Diligent training, time, patience and confrontation with many different environmental influences have turned Charlie into a completely new dog. The shadows of his past have increasingly faded and his insecure self only rarely comes to the fore.
The little Romanian has now become a completely plausible everyday companion dog, provided he is given the appropriate instructions. Because Charlie now knows his worth and is willing to voice his opinion (even without being asked). If he is allowed too much freedom on the leash, he will bark at strange dogs or passers-by. If someone nevertheless ventures too close to him, this could be commented on with the use of his 42 \"arguments\". Unannounced visitors have also experienced this bad mood in the past, which is why such situations still require a lot of management. However, if Charlie has understood where his place is and that he will not be disturbed by strangers there, he can accept these spatial requirements and withdraw.
From the very beginning, Charlie spent his time in the animal shelter with other dogs. At first the focus was on luring the shy guy out of his shell a little with the more relaxed members of his species. In the meantime, however, he has also become a solid, socially competent cornerstone for many dog groups for us. Sometimes in large, mixed groups, sometimes in a shared apartment with two people, the Romanian has shown himself to be a reliable match. Together, the animal shelter's daily life can be made much more colorful and he can be encouraged to fool around, but he can also find peace on his own and communicate when things get too wild for him. It is therefore quite conceivable that he could be placed with an existing first dog.
","url":"https://getbalu.com/p/zsw94m171vMv2Jnt8kC6","image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F91dcafb3-a492-450a-99ae-eeb600916d10.jpg?alt=media&token=8741eb08-c6bf-44ca-8c75-b128e30e184f"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F2385af61-3d16-4945-a858-bded0e868c34.jpg?alt=media&token=f26ee6c6-76f6-41fe-bae5-3294a59bfcf6"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2Ffb4d9789-10ac-45d9-ba6c-338b1775cf62.jpg?alt=media&token=eda356e0-c2ed-45ab-bfae-98f90573156f"}],"breed":"Mischling","color":"braun schwarz","gender":"male","aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":5,"reviewCount":500}}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"item":{"@type":"Product","name":"Ace","description":"Ace was a real bully even at a young age and always wore his sleeves rolled up ready for a fight. He now acts much more carefully and observes situations very closely before he puts the turbo on. As is often the case in social interactions, with Ace too, \"the tone makes the music\" - respectful interaction is very important to him and the key to a functioning relationship. The harsher the tone, the faster Ace will fall on deaf ears and he likes to remind the other person who he is and who he is actually talking to.
Everyday life with Ace is often like dancing together. There is now a fixed choreography with him. Everyday life in the animal shelter is precisely timed and gives Ace a structure that he can orient himself by. You float through the day together, everyone knows the other person's next steps, you tune in to each other and don't step on each other's toes in everyday life - but it is also about inspiring each other and moving each other forward. To ensure that we don't remain stuck in the same place with all the routine, we are always trying to develop further and hone our daily performance. Everyone's freedom is also a big issue here. When physically harassed (giving spot-on, pulling ticks), he often falls back on his tried and tested way out and tries to make room for himself. Here you can either make the situation more comfortable for him so that he doesn't trigger in the first place, or use it as a training measure to discuss the relationship and the respective status again. Using a muzzle is incredibly important, especially in such moments, and it will remain a constant companion in Ace's future.
The black shaggy dog also tries to present himself when in contact with other dogs, sometimes more, sometimes less subtly testing the limits of his counterpart. In the meantime, his fuse has gotten a little longer and he has learned to let things slide here too. If the match is right, being with a other dog is a welcome change, especially for the time in the animal shelter. Nevertheless, encounters with dogs are also a classic problem for Ace. On the leash, he generally behaves in a very externally oriented manner. It is therefore important to make it clear to him that he is not responsible for regulating all situations, but that the person at the other end of the leash takes on this task. Exuding calm and composure in stressful moments is a real challenge, but this basic mood also helps Ace to keep a calm head. Whether it is in dog encounters specifically or when walking the dog in general, Ace still has a lot to learn. Since he also goes against his people when jumping, when he is frustrated or to test them, he is also kept with a muzzle. If you make use of his enthusiasm for work, you can redirect him and calmly leave the situation.
With the right people, the black slob can become a really good companion. Dog experience, stamina and strong nerves are extremely important for this. Since the risk of a biting incident is too high, Ace should be kept muzzled consistently in his new home. This way, you can challenge, encourage and grow together without taking any major risks.
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So Fetz also began to creep through life rather skeptical and always worried - after all, the puppies trust the assessment of the adult four-legged friends first if they are not shown that there is no reason to panic. Unfortunately, it continued like this for Fetz. When dealing with an insecure dog, you often unconsciously make the problem worse if you wrap him in cotton wool too much.
But today, fortunately, you don't see much of the once panicked dog who hardly dared to move because he was so scared. No, we now have a brave, funny and relaxed dog in front of us who was able to learn in the animal shelter to rely on people and forget his worries. With the right standing, he immediately understood that all the insecurity was unfounded and that he can master new challenges together with his caregivers. The joker in him that he really is is becoming more and more visible, but the training doesn't end there.
The black and white lanky guy has (understandably) found joy in spending time together and finds it difficult to accept distance again. As soon as a familiar face is within sight or hearing distance, the tail propeller starts and Fetz is ready to take off. The big guy still finds it difficult to control this energy and to endure frustration if you end up going down a different path. At first he gave free rein to this state of excitement with his voice - now it's leveling off and these moments are becoming calmer. Especially in the beginning, when you try to \"suck up\" with all kinds of games and energy, it can be difficult to slow down again. Fetz is changeable and fortunately adapts quickly to his owners' instructions - as long as you can convey these authentically. So his future is still open and, despite the initial difficulties, he can still take a good path if you make sure that no undesirable behavior creeps in and becomes entrenched.
Similar to frustration tolerance, his attitude towards movement stimuli also shows room for improvement. If you keep an eye on it and make appropriate corrections, it is easier for Fetz to hold back. The less concentrated the human and the dog are, the greater the risk that Fetz will give in to the impulse and move forward. What ultimately triggers this can be varied - from the classics such as rabbits or deer to bicycles or even children playing. Behind every situation, no matter how everyday for us, there can be a triggering stimulus, which is why anticipating action is particularly important when dealing with Fetz. The versatility also offers a number of situations that can be used for training in addition to posed proxy conflicts.
Now, with Fetz's first birthday, his second, new phase of life begins, in which, with appropriate handling and training, he will be able to find a way out of his difficult start. We have already been able to create some new connections in his young brain and are now hoping for a new home where what he has already learned can be continued.
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Many behaviors become established over time, both in the dog and its owners. Negative experiences create tension and fear, which reinforces a pessimistic expectation that makes it difficult to stay motivated and optimistic during training. Now the black male dog is getting an absolute \"reset\" and we are starting his journey together into a carefree future.
In the animal shelter, there was little to see of the insecure but also explosive character of the exciting breed mix. The bright male quickly settled in and got used to his caregivers. With our relaxed but determined demeanor, we were able to quickly convince Gulliver of our leadership qualities. The sensitive guy has once again shown what a good sense he has for the emotions of his two-legged friends. Whether tension or relaxation - Gulliver reads his counterpart like a book and clearly reflects his emotional state. On walks you notice that good preparatory work has already been done with him. If he is led consistently, he walks relaxed next to you on a loose leash and voluntarily orientates himself towards his owner - a good foundation for further training.
We are currently practicing regularly on the topic of dog encounters, but he is also making rapid progress there and scores points with his responsiveness in stressful situations. If you give him too much leeway outside, he likes to let things go his way. Be it pedestrians who are fixated on and barked at from a distance, or strange dogs who are also barked at. That's why it's important to have the right standing and to recognize and manage critical situations early on.
Gulliver currently lives in a shared apartment with two other dogs of the same species. Living together is going smoothly, but you have to keep an eye on him so that he doesn't see his caregiver as a resource for other dogs - for example, if you pet another dog near him. If you don't set clear boundaries for him by sending him away, he would really hurt the other four-legged friend. But Gulliver is easy to interrupt verbally and now prefers to go into reverse.
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The open-hearted male dog presents himself to us with a youthful lightness. Although he was born in 2016, he has remained absolutely young at heart. Running, darting, romping, long walks - all of this is still high on Clark's agenda. But with all the bright and positive spirit of youth, he also seems a little \"post-pubescent\", because a certain stubbornness has remained just as evident. In his last household, this stubbornness unfortunately became his downfall because after he moved, he tried to re-examine the rules and boundaries that had already been established.
For example, he decided quite naturally where his fellow humans and visitors were allowed to go. This wasn't about growling or biting, as is the case with some other four-legged friends - his body language and clear looks made it clear to those around him where Clark's boundaries lay. Yes, the Finn has an opinion and likes to represent his point of view - you will certainly have to get involved in the odd discussion in your everyday life, but he also quickly understands who he can question and who he cannot. Clear rules, fairness and leadership qualities are enough to make this loner a keen observer.
Because Clark is actually not as self-confident and at peace with himself as he tries to make those around him believe in such moments. There are many things that bother the male dog and he tries out a variety of strategies to deal with his own hectic behavior. He either tries to escape from the cause of his stress and flee - if that doesn't work because the leash or door prevents him, he lets out all his charm and fiddles around as much as he can. If that isn't enough, he always has his mood to give vent to his excitement or frustration.
This shows again how quickly a dog's behavior can change once he finds himself in a different environment, new situation, or under different leadership. Although this may explain the problems in his last environment, they should not be taken lightly. In a new home, Clark will certainly try his luck again and question one or two household rules. Patience, goodwill and, if necessary, a lot of perseverance are the best ways to achieve good training results.
Clark currently lives with our mixed breed dog Schorle. The two quickly got along well and now live together in a stable shared apartment. He also used to live with cats and is used to dealing with them. Existing four-legged friends are therefore no problem for the versatile Lapphund.
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Babette fällt es noch schwer, sich an die neue Situation hier im Tierheim zu gewöhnen und vor allem die Zeit allein ist ihr gar nicht geheuer. Die Seniorin saugt Aufmerksamkeit auf wie ein Schwamm und sehnt sich sehr nach einem entspannten Zuhause mit genügend Zeit für ausgiebige Schmuseeinheiten.
Alleine zu bleiben hat sie in ihren letzten Lebensjahren nie gelernt und bereits in der Vergangenheit lautstark getrauert. Im Tierheim musste sie nun zwangsläufig lernen sich auch ohne ihre Menschen zu Recht zu finden und macht hier inzwischen gute Forschritte. Zur Zeit lebt Babette mit weiteren Artgenossen zusammen und findet in ihnen den Halt und die Gesellschaft nach der sie sich die ganze Zeit über sehnt. Ein Zuhause mit bereits vorhandenem Artgenossen wäre daher denkbar, wenn auch nicht verpflichtend. Mit genügend Zeit und Verständnis wird Babette auch im fortgeschrittenen Alter noch lernen können „geduldig“ zu sein und Zuhause ohne Herzschmerz auf ihre Menschen zu warten.
Außerhalb der eigenen Vier-Wände geht es mit der Gewöhnung weiter. Beim Gassi lässt sie sich schnell von Außenreizen ablenken und der Fokus liegt nicht unbedingt bei dem anderen Ende der Leine. Je besser sie die Umgebung rund um das Tierheim kennenlernt, desto einfacher fällt es Mensch und Hund gemeinsam unterwegs zu sein. Dennoch ist an dieser Stelle weiteres Training und Geduld nötig, damit die gemeinsamen Spaziergänge in Zukunft ausgelassen stattfinden können. Denn Babett hat neben ihrer verkuschelten auch eine aktive und energetische Seite. Auch mit bald 10 Lebensjahren auf dem Buckel genießt Babette die Bewegung und ausgiebige Spaziergänge. Auch auf unserer eingezäunten Hundewiese liebt sie es zu flitzen und für kurze Zeit den, manchmal hektischen, Tierheimalltag zu vergessen.
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However, a different picture quickly emerged with the tri-colored male. Where other dogs relax after a few hours or days, Lancelot's stress level remained high. Even with his previous owners, who had worked hard with him from puppyhood but were at their wits' end when he was handed over, Lancelot was always a very externally oriented male with very thin nerves and probably a very high resting heart rate.
But how do you help such an unstable dog when everyday life in an animal shelter is nerve-wracking and stressful for many dogs anyway? In Lancelot's case, the animal shelter is very helpful. We try very hard to make sure that the dog house is as quiet as possible. Sure, it can get really loud when we go for walks, but otherwise we pay very meticulous attention to where, when and how each dog sits so that it doesn't get hectic all day - especially after work, when the animal shelter is quiet. This peace, coupled with the routine, always the same daily routine and Lancelot's close training, let the male dog relax and he can now really breathe.
He wasn't always enthusiastic about the first socializations because he hardly had any head for the other dogs, but he mastered them well nonetheless. He was able to make friends with some of them quickly and now he even lives in a shared apartment with two four-legged friends.
He has already accepted us carers as his confidants and diligently takes part in the daily training. At the moment, it's all about the basics like walking on a leash, dog encounters and orientation towards people. There's still a lot to work on in the near future. If there's a good liver sausage in sight, Lancelot can also behave like a nerd, as long as the oncoming stimuli aren't too great.
Anyone who has already had experience with Appenzeller dogs knows how stressed they can be in everyday life and how they put human nerves to the test. That's why you always need a lot of patience and consistency when dealing with these pretty four-legged friends. Nevertheless, with the help of a good dog school, nothing stands in the way of a balanced and adventurous life together.
Unfortunately, in addition to Lancelot's mental health, there is also a physical weakness. There is already visible arthrosis in his left knee, which keeps bothering the otherwise sporty guy. Now and then he needs short forced breaks and painkillers so that his little leg can recover from the previous strain. Nevertheless, it is important to keep Lancelot moving so that his joints remain flexible and supple - because if you don't use it, you lose it!
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Winning Moxy over is quite a lot of work. Her ice is very thick and it takes a lot of patience and nerves of steel until it has melted. Until then, Moxy is skeptical of her counterpart and sets clear rules. These are of course in her favor and are enforced, if necessary with her 42 augments. But the little mouse is worth it! Every milestone, sometimes hard work, reveals a new, lovable facet of the pretty Aussie lady. Once she has gained trust in her people, she is open and enthusiastic, lets herself be cuddled and does silly things together.
On walks, the lady is pretty relaxed, but likes to do her own thing. Although she doesn't pull on the leash, she just strolls along relaxedly, making her a very pleasant companion, but she isn't really oriented towards people and she often deliberately ignores commands. This is where it's worth fine-tuning and showing her how worthwhile it can be to get involved with the person at the end of the leash. Conversely, consistency also plays a big role, of course, and demanding the desired behavior even when Moxy is already able to do it. Moxy hasn't gotten much of the \"will to please\" that is often praised for herding dogs.
The first socializations went well, Moxy is interested and open. However, if there are conflicts in the group or things get dynamic, Moxy is only too happy to roll up her sleeves and the mood changes. Here she definitely needs people to guide her.
Overall, with Moxy, it's important to always keep at it - even if she's giving up on things again. All this effort will surely cost a few grey hairs, but it is worth it. Moxy is looking forward to her new phase of life and will bring this joy into her two-legged friends' everyday lives.
Despite her few years under her belt, the Aussie lady is prepared for everything her future has to offer. She is physically and mentally fit and would look forward to long walks as well as mental stimulation in her new home.
","url":"https://getbalu.com/p/jlWqzw6JstdADXLJTfGY","image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F91802475-e80a-497d-98ac-a02fdf452a23.jpg?alt=media&token=0ab02149-2fa3-44e3-8de3-aeca349b6ef9"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F7e1c3cbc-dafc-4480-8901-518d1669ebfe.jpg?alt=media&token=59f54334-f9e5-41ad-9cd8-d0b3da867e64"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F54e4baf1-8073-4836-8814-446e97bf4c6e.jpg?alt=media&token=e11fa478-a594-4d17-b822-6e3e60203ed8"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F29da8fe8-022b-443b-950d-51956609c735.jpg?alt=media&token=b6789a45-5fbc-4ab1-b86e-4d6eb5c59c58"}],"breed":"Australian Shepherd","color":"tricolor","gender":"female","aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":5,"reviewCount":500}}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":9,"item":{"@type":"Product","name":"Botticelli","description":"For Botticelli, moving to the animal shelter was both a blessing and a curse. For the first time, he was able to understand that he and his two-legged friends form a team and that they can rely on their humans when they are together. He learned the basics of dog etiquette, moved in with the herd protector Arion and formed close friendships with him and his caregivers. Walks together became more balanced over time.
When he arrived, he was constantly on a leash and barked loudly at people and dogs who came towards him. Without the appropriate security, he would have collected biting incidents like squirrels collect nuts for the coming winter. If you have an image of a seasoned German Shepherd male who knows what he wants and puts it into practice, you are wrong. Botticelli is not one of the most confident dogs and has incredibly thin nerves. This combination often meant that the male dog was unable to perceive what was going on around him and what his human wants from him. The fact that Botticelli mostly ran around the world without any direction until he moved into the animal shelter made life very difficult for him.
With other dogs, after such a long time, you can often say that they now calmly handle dog encounters or visits to beer gardens. After many relaxed walks, there is another one where Botticelli can hardly or not at all listen because the environment is too much for him again. However, that does not mean that his successes are less. Because actually the tasks he masters are much bigger than they seem from the outside.
Overall, Botticelli has developed wonderfully since he arrived with us and we are very proud of him. The time in the animal shelter gave him a lot of opportunity to develop further and he made full use of it. However, this should not be the end of the line for the handsome guy! As a German shepherd, he unfortunately has rather weak nerves, which suffer greatly from the constant stress of the animal shelter. As much as Botticelli can relax when it is quiet in the animal shelter, the hustle and bustle and noise are all the more stressful for him.
Botticelli is no longer the youngest and still not a relaxed senior. He is energetic, but not a young sports partner. He is sweet, but should still wear a muzzle in some situations. In short - you have to know him or at least look a second time to recognize his value.
Botticelli will never be a dog with strong nerves that you can stroll through the city with relaxed. His people will always have to guide him and relieve him of responsibility when visitors or walkers come too close to him. But we wish him a peaceful retirement on or in front of a couch, with his own people who accept him as he is, continue to support him and work on his successes.
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Like many Molosser dogs, the Malak is highly valued for its calm, energy-saving nature. A lot of time and energy is initially put into observation so that even the smallest change on the ground is noticed. Tricks that are fun for a human - sit, lie down or give a paw - are, in Rübezahl's eyes, a waste of time. This is a behavior that is also known from many livestock guardian dogs, with which the Malak is often confused. Although Kangals have been crossed into the Malak line over the years, these dogs have little to do with each other. In contrast to the visually similar livestock guardians, a Malak usually lives on a chain on the farm and serves as a watchdog and protection dog. The Malak is occasionally used to protect larger livestock, but there is little agreement on this. While cooperation between dogs is an important part of the work of livestock guardian dogs, the Malak has difficulty working with other dogs due to its actual use. In addition to the Kangal, over the years this old breed is said to have been crossed with St. Bernards, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Great Danes and English Mastiffs in order to create - sad but true - stronger dogs for dog fights that can weigh up to 130 kg. Fortunately, Rübi remained a smaller representative of his breed at around 65 kg, but even this body mass is enough to throw even seasoned people off balance.
To everyone's delight, he is quite open towards people, soaking up attention and cuddles like a sponge. If you watch the rowdy with open eyes, you can see the charming cheekiness with which the male dog goes about testing his limits and happily letting everything go on his terms. Lack of distance and audacity are his first choice when dealing with people, regardless of the consequences. It may look funny to some at the moment, but that's not really the case with his weight. It quickly becomes dangerous, as Rübezahl does not accept a \"stop\". You quickly become powerless against this massive guy. It is therefore important to remain calm in such situations so as not to encourage him to jump or to push him further.
There are therefore clear rules even outside on the leash. Dog encounters have long been and are still viewed critically today.
With enough sensitivity to the situation and mood, you can now become better at dealing with other dogs in a more relaxed manner. But it is important to react early in case of doubt, before the imposing male dog loses his temper.
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Why the handsome guy is still with us remains a mystery. Some adopters are looking for an older, settled dog for short walks, but Bingo is \"still too fit\" for most of them. Of course, you can see and notice his age now. He already has a few gray hairs, the odd lipoma, and his eyes are becoming increasingly cloudy - but Bingo still enjoys his walks to the fullest. True to the motto \"If you rest, you rust\", his volunteer dog walkers are also busy keeping the gentleman moving. The Spaniard can even keep up for an hour at a time and at a brisk pace. With enough exercise and muscle building, we remain optimistic that this fitness will stay with him for some time.
Other families, on the other hand, want a youngster who is willing to learn and who is \"easier\" to train than an older dog. Of course, despite his bright, active nature, Bingo cannot replace a teenager, but he can still learn and be kept busy. The great agility star is no longer slumbering within him, but this is also rarely the case with most younger, average domestic dogs. Bingo is always up for a little brain training, such as looking for treats or simple games, especially with an eye on the tasty reward. Even at 13 years old, he can still learn small tricks.
Now we are clearly looking for a suitable match for Bingo. Of course, he too has his own peculiarities, rough edges and quirks - like every breathing creature. He can also sometimes snap at other dogs when on the leash, but it usually happens without any fuss. He can also develop health problems over the course of his life, but he is currently still fit. All in all, a completely normal dog - just a little more time-pressed to find a new home than many younger four-legged friends.
At first glance at Bingo's age, you quickly have the wrong expectations of the mixed breed dog. Anyone expecting a comfortable, lazy pensioner has not reckoned with the sprightly Spaniard. Even though he cannot completely deny his age visually and the first grey hairs are visible, he still likes to be active and wants to take part in life. Fortunately, the medical examinations did not reveal anything unusual, although we do recommend regular check-ups given his age. Bingo loves going out with his owners and he enjoys doing activities together. As he loves to be persuaded to eat good food, searching games in the meadow would be a pleasant activity for the boy. Long walks are no problem for him, even at a brisk pace, and he would love to mobilise all his strength to dash after the odd duck. Chasing is one of his biggest weaknesses and the leash is an important tool for stress-free walks. You should always keep this in mind when you are out and about if you can see wild animals from a distance. Creating good orientation around people would be a good approach here.
When it comes to dog encounters, Bingo still needs a bit of fine-tuning. However, if you lead him consistently, this is not a problem because he quickly figures out that the person at the end of the leash manages the situation.
When socialized with different types of dog, he is usually sociable. Here, sympathy usually decides whether living together makes sense or not. Nevertheless, there are also dogs that he does not like so much, so socialization should be well considered and guided. He currently lives with another male in a shared apartment, which is why we can also imagine Bingo as a second dog - ideally with a calmer companion.
The move to the animal shelter has really disrupted the otherwise quiet, usual everyday life of the handsome male. He really enjoys contact with people and we help him to calm down with the necessary attention. Nevertheless, he finds it difficult to relax in the hustle and bustle that is unfamiliar to him. A relaxed home in a quiet environment would be ideal for Bingo to be able to spend his retirement stress-free.
Compatibility with other dogs: Conditional
Placement with children: Conditional
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Now the bulldog lady is starting a new life, but just as was the case when she moved in with her family at 11 weeks, it was immediately apparent during this move that Dorchen is anything but fit. Thankfully, more and more people are aware that French bulldogs are one of the cruelly bred breeds. The labored breathing, which is typical due to the shortened nose and long soft palate, is quickly visible and audible in Dorchen too. But unfortunately the French do not just have breathing problems. Bulldogs also suffer from their entire body shape: their drum-shaped chest and strong muscles put too much strain on the shoulders and point the elbows outwards. As a result, the dogs have a swinging gait that is typical for the breed, which increasingly saps energy and further worsens the dog's condition. In addition, the front limbs are often crooked, which can lead to further problems with locomotion, such as flat feet.
But the damage has already been done and we still want to give the young dog as happy and active a life as possible. Physiotherapy, careful weight control and activities adapted to the temperature are some of the important points that must be taken into account when keeping a dog.
> But when looking for a suitable dog, alongside its physical structure, its character is also crucial - and this is where our Dorchen scores highly. The young Frenchie is open-hearted and quickly took us caregivers to her heart. Even outside on the leash, a good bond with Dorchen can be quickly built. She likes to orient herself on her two-legged friends and, especially with the odd treat, a relaxed walk goes without a hitch.
In general, she has shown her best side - and so far, her most house-trained side. With regular walks, Dorchen has so far gratefully taken the option of doing her business outside and can even manage several hours. We hope that this will become well established in the new home with a fixed daily routine and that she can leave her past behind.
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Der weiße Parson Russel Rüde zeigt sich bisher von seiner besten Seite und erobert die Herzen des Tierheimpersonals im Sturm. Trotz seinem fortgeschrittenen Alter genießt er die ausgedehnten Spaziergänge und nutzt die Zeit am liebsten damit sein eigenes Ding zu machen. Natürlich genießt Ernie die Zuwendung seiner Zweibeiner. Streicheleinheiten oder Ansprache wird in vollen Zügen genossen und auch für Leckerlis ist Ernie immer zu haben – aber trotzdem kann er auch gut und gerne für sich sein, was er draußen mit Vorliebe demonstriert. Die große weite Welt steckt nunmal voller spannender Gerüche und Besonderheiten, die es zu entdecken gilt. Als Jagdhunderasse fällt natürlich auch jeder Wildwechsel oder auch Anblick von potentiell jagdbarem darunter. Der Mensch am anderen Ende der Leine rückt hier schnell in den Hintergrund, doch versteht Ernie bereits sich zumindest an das Tempo seiner Begleitpersonen anzupassen.
Im gewohnten Umfeld fällt es ihm leichter die Konzentration auf seine Zweibeiner zu legen. Das hier begonnene Training lässt sich nach und nach auch draußen abfragen, um auf Dauer eine gute Ansprechbarkeit und Orientierung am Menschen zu erreichen.
Doch neben all dem aktiven Training und den ausgiebigen Spaziergängen ist Ernie ein sehr entspannter Hundtypus. Auf allzu viel Trubel und Hektik kann er in seinem Leben getrost verzichten. Besonders bei größeren Menschengruppen oder in der Nähe von Kindern ist es hier wichtig den kleinen Herrn im Blick zu behalten. In seiner Vergangenheit hat er bereits gute Fortschritte gemacht und lies sich mit genügend Konzentration managen. Wer selbst eher ruhig unterwegs ist wird Ernie einen großen Gefallen tun, wenn ihm im gemeinsamen Miteinander allzu turbulente Ausflüge erspart bleiben.
Wer sich angesprochen fühlt und den „rüstigen Rentnern“ kennenlernen möchte kann sich gerne telefonisch oder per Mail im Tierheim melden.
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Crassus has now gotten used to his new everyday life in the animal shelter and is fully involved in training. The bright male dog visibly enjoys practicing with his caregivers and enjoys the mental stimulation during walks. Even though training is still completely new territory for Crassus, he tries his best to please his trainers and is making steady progress. Despite everything, training is an ongoing process and it takes time to turn an insecure \"leash bully\" into a relaxed and everyday companion. But it is worth the time and effort and will determine the future coexistence between human and dog.
Even though Crassus is now well prepared to accept the guidance of his caregivers, he knows exactly what is important to him. Food is a particularly important resource for Crassus, and he defended it in his last home too. In the meantime, he has learned step by step to hold back and wait for permission when feeding instead of immediately pouncing on everything edible. Asking questions and orienting himself towards his caregivers is an important task for the guy, and is also regularly asked about during walks. It helps him to hold back and not always see himself as responsible. Even when meeting other dogs, he is increasingly able to remain calm and uses the support of his leaders.
To become this leader, sensitivity and patience are needed to gain the trust of the cautious male dog. Once you have achieved this, the path to a shared future is paved.
","url":"https://getbalu.com/p/YvkUa9qlfeh2pdTPq7My","image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F3fbd2648-a08e-489a-a3b6-ee79b405a796.jpeg?alt=media&token=2a8c4a7b-62ca-4aa2-be0d-8e95daff030d"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2Fcfcef147-ff2a-41a0-9081-7b6bdaa9ab89.jpg?alt=media&token=fe29452b-7060-4d75-8c93-1aa3da142f10"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F648d3c2c-9570-4351-90da-894542accdea.jpg?alt=media&token=c72d2c37-1fe8-4748-b59f-12f2eef7a142"}],"breed":"Mischling","color":"tricolor","gender":"male","aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":5,"reviewCount":500}}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":15,"item":{"@type":"Product","name":"Woody","description":"Woody came to us when his life path was leading in the wrong direction. If the necessary upbringing is neglected at a young age, it can come back to haunt him later in life - as was the case with the charming Romanian. He knows how to use his big eyes to his advantage and he also finds a way to get his way. If a sweet look and witty antics are not enough to avoid possible consequences, he uses his entire repertoire of threatening gestures and also knows how to use his 42 sparkling white arguments.
In general, Woody sees himself more in the position of referee than in the role of player. Just because he doesn't want to follow the rules himself doesn't mean that his people don't have to. He hands out yellow and red cards as he sees fit. In order to underpin this position, he has claimed all kinds of resources for himself in the past. Starting with his own food, and then to his owner's food and bed. Woody deliberately seeks out such conflicts in order to test or re-define his boundaries.
Of course, this high-flying situation cannot continue - the little king is fully aware of this - which is why a lot of training is now on the agenda. Such a hard and responsible task does not really suit him. The young male dog has his bright, relaxed and eager-to-learn sides, but he can only fully develop these when the burden of having to control everything at all times is taken from his shoulders. To achieve this, he is now going through the unloved and labor-intensive training.
The little man is looking for his place in society. And for a human partner who will accept the odd gray hair until he has success. Throughout his life, Woody has been successful in making progress with sustainability and stubbornness. It will take a while until this success story is rewritten. Two steps forward, one step back - and progress has already been made. Now all that is missing is the right home where someone is ready to continue the training and show Woody how relaxed and fun the world can be if he lets himself go for it.
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A clear standing and firm rules are also enormously helpful in the rest of everyday life. Despite her advancing age, Samma is fit and bursting with energy and a thirst for discovery. External stimuli quickly distract her from the leash training she is actually aiming for and quickly upset the black and white dog. The much-feared supreme discipline of \"dog encounters\" in particular requires further training. However, you can see that the daily training and the time invested by the carers and volunteer dog walkers are already bearing fruit. Although she still gets carried away with insults from time to time, she gets along quite well with other dogs here.
In the animal shelter, she had both neutered and intact male dogs as roommates and in the past she also found her way around a dog daycare center without any problems. An existing first dog would therefore be conceivable if you keep her jealousy in mind and establish household rules.
Whether with another dog or alone - Samma is ready for a new life full of long walks, relaxation and adventures at the side of a human rock in the surf.
","url":"https://getbalu.com/p/WWZRe4SkTUsbIGZyN5Hl","image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F94699fbd-c711-4a00-a991-6bc32564377c.jpg?alt=media&token=13f094f2-fce5-4d50-9d22-68d91e73ff31"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2Fadc3cb01-7c6d-4e46-a67d-285210ef38c7.jpg?alt=media&token=e86b651b-fe16-4f48-a828-c9db069b24b7"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F53a3a7fb-6db9-4226-9608-4b8fea4c28ce.jpg?alt=media&token=0592e950-5430-4128-bf6d-700ad03a4b5f"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2Fe9db578e-d1dd-40e5-b800-696e46cf86d8.jpg?alt=media&token=119ec069-a2fb-4e7f-b830-4dcd22249872"}],"breed":"Mischling","color":"schwarz weiß","gender":"female","aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":5,"reviewCount":500}}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":17,"item":{"@type":"Product","name":"Schorle","description":"Since Schorle came to our animal shelter as a found animal, we unfortunately have no information about his past. So far, he has been friendly and open towards us carers, but sometimes with a hint of skepticism, which has gradually subsided.
After the first few walks, it was already clear how easily he can be distracted by all kinds of environmental stimuli. Nevertheless, you can draw his attention relatively well to the person at the other end of the leash. From his point of view, everything outside would be best done according to his nose, so he turns a deaf ear. If you want to convince him otherwise, he will show you clearly that he doesn't think much of it. But with consistent guidance, nothing stands in the way of a relaxed walk on a loose leash.
For those interested, it's a matter of proving themselves first and making themselves heard despite all the exciting smells, environmental stimuli and the classic hormonal chaos. Schorle must first understand that humans have leadership qualities and can make decisions for him. Once you have convinced him of this, the first hurdle has already been overcome. He also likes to show his funny and cuddly side and is up for any fun.
He confidently shows who he is to other dogs and often brings dynamism to the group - although you have to be careful to stop him if he gets too harsh. He currently lives well and harmoniously with two other male dogs, which is why he could also be considered as a second dog.
He already knows some basic commands, now we are starting the first training steps to better orient himself towards humans and to walk on a leash.
","url":"https://getbalu.com/p/W4ymthUPUdYJC2NWCQhk","image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2Ff0420614-5596-4dfb-b89b-f2a6a0b1eebf.jpg?alt=media&token=4e690b7b-2935-4cca-a2ba-1aaffb595ac9"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F7084fd70-cf7b-4683-b246-0c7075da3d89.jpg?alt=media&token=badd095a-c6fb-4581-9135-516f504052ea"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F565ba073-1a0e-4d74-bcde-f61bbdffc973.jpg?alt=media&token=fd80f95d-559c-492b-8d7e-1f2095c47b76"}],"breed":"Mischling","color":"schwarz weiß","gender":"male","aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":5,"reviewCount":500}}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":18,"item":{"@type":"Product","name":"Frollein","description":"The beautiful mixed breed lady came to us because of a severe allergy of the previous owner. Originally from Bulgaria, our young lady \"Frollein\" came to Germany at the beginning of 2022, where she had already lived in two different households before arriving at the animal shelter.
Frollein is initially a very reserved dog who prefers to inspect everything from a safe distance and, if necessary, barks at it. In her last home, she also displayed quite pronounced territorial behavior, which is unfortunately not uncommon for native street dogs. Management is an important step here to get the pretty lady out of responsibility and away from the front door or garden fences.
It is unfortunately unclear what exactly is genetically contained in the pretty mixed breed dog, but in any case she was born with a good package of energy. Frollein is a very active lady who needs and enjoys a lot of physical and mental exercise. Our pretty girl is definitely willing to learn, which is good, because she still needs a lot of help with walking on a leash. But with the right motivation, she can master new tricks in no time at all, and once she's gotten used to them, she quickly takes to almost any trick. We can also imagine our little lady doing all sorts of dog sports - she definitely has the right drive.
In general, the concept of \"calm\" is still a foreign word. She likes to look everywhere, every noise and every smell is exciting, and attention to people becomes secondary. Following movement stimuli in particular is a weak point that needs to be worked on. A solid orientation towards people is extremely important here. The first steps in the right direction are already taken when we go for walks together, and you quickly notice that she is really trying to please her owner.
With other dogs, Frollein has shown herself to be very fair and clear in her communication, which allows for a balanced coexistence. A life as a second dog is quite conceivable.
","url":"https://getbalu.com/p/VgCaq47GdliUBN0XY8xA","image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2F47405fc6-4907-4d6d-97cf-e7c1f72c5de5.jpg?alt=media&token=d494fa75-9bec-46c3-a318-e910244d2852"},{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/listingappios.appspot.com/o/pet_images%2Ff96ba176-b0ee-4f9b-b2c8-ed526816065a.jpg?alt=media&token=a61e9d67-d97c-4bef-9369-5fa129c0d12b"}],"breed":"Frollein","color":"beige","gender":"female","aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":5,"reviewCount":500}}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":19,"item":{"@type":"Product","name":"Michel","description":"The stately male is currently a shell of his former self. Without a firm footing in life, he doesn't yet know exactly what to do with himself. Bought as a puppy at eight weeks old, Michel was supposed to do exactly what a herd protector is there for - guard goats and the associated property. A dog that is allowed to do exactly the job that his breed was originally bred for is a circumstance that we certainly welcome - but only if it is approached correctly. Unfortunately, this was not the case in Michel's case. Apart from the two Ovtscharka bitches that also lived on the property, as well as the owners and their families, Michel didn't get to know anything (apart from his job, guarding). So Michel lived and functioned within his system until the mood changed.
After a full-on bite, the fear of the male dog became too great. Michel was locked away on the farm. As is typical for many dogs for whom we and other animal shelters across Germany request places, in Michel's case too, no one wanted to tackle the problem together with the dog. Experts called in spoke out against official killing of the dog because he was not dangerous. So Michel remained in his shed until the authorities urged him to be handed over.
Without any environmental socialization, the imposing male dog was completely shocked by the existence of a world outside his garden. Since arriving at the animal shelter, Michel has repeatedly faced what he sees as insurmountable hurdles. Even just a touch of his collar, people in his kennel, pulling on the leash or similar things that are actually everyday things for dogs trigger panic in Michel, flight and, in certain situations, defensive behavior. Michel was not allowed to get to know anything, never learned how to learn and, on the other hand, never had to endure anything. As a result, he has no problem-solving skills or problem management.
Even though Michel's claws have already left a few dents in our lives, we agree with the report that prevented Michel's death and are happy that we can now show him the world. We've already had some success and the progress is sometimes greater and faster than feared. Nevertheless, everyone involved needs a lot of patience, a lot of perseverance and a well-fitting muzzle.
We don't just show Michel the right path, we also walk it with him - until he finds his people to take over from us. Every day we get to know Michel better, just as he gets to know us and the world.
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But even after a rehoming process, where great efforts were made to ensure Lynette's well-being, old patterns kept reappearing. The rehoming process ultimately had to be terminated after two years due to personal circumstances, and so Lynette is finally back with us. This new beginning was not easy for her either; calm is still a distant state for this energetic lady.
Now she is learning to deal with the stimuli of the world again, step by step. Lynette and the people who accompany her have a long, difficult road ahead of her. As soon as she has understood how to orient herself towards people in excited situations, training should be a little easier for her. The damage from deprivation runs deep and has Lynette firmly under control. Calmness, walking on a leash and commands that go beyond \"sit\" are new things for the young lady, but with lots of practice and patience she will master these too.
Lynette is a real treasure and really enjoys being petted, which also helps her to breathe a little. Collecting treats is one of the pretty dog's favorite everyday activities and offers a calm contrast to the mentally demanding training.
Lynette also seems to enjoy dog sledding. When motivated, she runs well ahead without getting too worked up and becoming \"headless.\" All her worries seem to be forgotten. She can ignore stimuli that would otherwise worry her and concentrate fully on her work. The exercise strengthens not only her muscles, but also her mind. She learns that her worries are unfounded and that the big wide world also has many beautiful things to offer.
This is where our training comes in. We want to give Lynette the security she needs and strengthen her self-confidence so that she can better process environmental stimuli outside of her familiar four walls.
All of this will take a lot of time and patience, but the first small successes that Lynette can achieve in the direction of calmness are reward enough for the strenuous training. A home of her own with permanent people who can give Lynette support would also help her to leave her chaotic past behind and gain new, happy experiences.
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After her second move, back to an animal shelter, she is now getting the necessary feedback from her environment to be able to develop further.
As with most skeptical new arrivals, the beginning is a little tough. She can safely do without our presence or touching at the beginning. Her canine roommates are also a thing of the past for the time being and are skillfully ignored by Prada. But over time, the social partners become increasingly important. We can now give her the support she needs in stressful situations, but also bring her back down to earth when she becomes headless, hectic or arrogant. This is help that she (mostly) gratefully accepts.
She also needs a little guidance when going for a walk: staying in touch and dealing with dog encounters in a relaxed manner are the biggest issues at the moment. She can be motivated to cooperate quite well with food, but verbal or physical praise is just as well and happily accepted. Since we also have shared hobbies, we are looking for a suitable area that Prada is passionate about so that we can offer her a suitable balance to her regular training. She is particularly enthusiastic about sporting activities, which is why we can well imagine an active hobby such as dog sledding - but longer walks or hikes also make Prada's heart beat faster. Water is also very popular with her and our nearby stream is used to cool off when the weather is warmer.
Outside the animal shelter, it is also easier for her to relax and get involved in training. The sensitive dog is quickly carried away by the mood of her counterpart, which is why a grounded, balanced two-legged friend would be a great asset in her new home. Patience, good nerves and a spark of humor are particularly important in the beginning, as every good team needs time to grow together.
Until everyone has adjusted to each other, there will certainly be moments when you clash or have to abandon your plans - but if you are willing to invest this time and can persevere, you will be rewarded for all your efforts with a cool companion.
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Arion originally comes from Greece and was placed in a family in Germany as a nice mixed breed puppy. Small, white, fluffy and with big black button eyes, the herd protector young dog was offered online as a white German Shepherd - Labrador mix puppy. As he grew up, however, it became clear that the handsome male is not a Labrador. As a real herd protector dog, Arion soon questioned his owners and did his job. Namely, to protect the herd - in this case his family - and to vehemently defend them against other people and dogs.
The association which had introduced a friendly young Lab suitable for families and beginners wanted nothing to do with the problematic herd protector. As a result, Arion became a traveling trophy who lived with at least four families in various corners of Germany before being given away at the age of 1.5. After several biting incidents in his last home, the desperation and the danger to all family members became too great - Arion came to us at the animal shelter.
But what kind of dog arrived here back then? A big, proud herd protector who knows his (original) task and, due to a lack of leadership, carries it out confidently? No, absolutely not. Arion was completely hanging in the air. If he had learned one thing in his few years, it was that he could not rely on anyone and that no one could give him stability or security. So although he was not in a position to look after his system himself, he nevertheless found himself compelled to take on this task.
Today, Arion lets go of the reins with the right people and behaves in an exemplary manner. Relaxed cuddling or going for a walk is quite possible. Dogs and passers-by are ignored, the leash is slack, and the dog trots relaxedly next to, behind, or sometimes in front of the person, depending on the command. Of course, he is not an enthusiastic herding dog, but the flock protector still wants to please. Arion knows who he can rely on, but he also knows who he cannot rely on, who does not have the right charisma. Here he quickly falls back into old patterns. Dogs and passers-by are attacked and it quickly becomes dangerous for the person at the other end of the leash too.
Arion gets along with other dogs to a certain extent. In groups, the large male is quickly overwhelmed and tends to engage in displacement activities. Dynamic situations or excitement in particular trigger Arion. Even socialization with just one other dog must be carefully considered by the caregivers. How does the roommate react in which situations? Are the external stimuli outside the enclosure too great? If the framework is right, shared accommodation can work and Arion will get along well. Placement with other dogs is therefore possible, provided the future owners have the necessary standing anyway.
Arion is a fantastic dog who will always need management and a well-fitting muzzle, but can still be a great companion. He still has a lot of worries and needs a firm hold, but with this he can also show his funny and relaxed sides.
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The fluffy all-rounder is now just as good at going to restaurants or quiet evenings at home as he is at long hikes or exciting walks. A seemingly perfect life, but unfortunately it doesn't always go the way we would like it to. A few strokes of fate and unexpected changes have befallen Bumi's people. The situation became increasingly difficult for the dog and came to a head. Giving him up was soon the only solution for the family, even though it was very difficult for everyone involved.
Fortunately, he quickly got used to the familiar everyday life in the animal shelter, and the contact with his many caregivers was particularly helpful. Extensive cuddles and walks are his daily highlight. Spending time together is enormously important for our animal residents and offers a welcome change in what is otherwise often a monotonous daily routine. Nevertheless, the stately male, a typical Kangal, is also good at making decisions on his own. The livestock guardian dog mix always keeps an eye on the house and yard boundaries and barks at people and dogs walking past when he thinks it is necessary. If you remain consistent and present, however, Bumi is good at handing over responsibility and holding back on his \"cooperation\".
On the leash, he knows full well that other two- and four-legged creatures are of no interest and he is not easily unsettled. Even going for walks with other animal shelter residents pose no problems for the big man - it is only when he lives directly together on the animal shelter grounds that his stoic livestock protector becomes apparent again. Bumi can safely do without other dogs in the rest of his everyday life and prefers to spend time on his own rather than sharing the attention of his caregivers, basket or food. In the past, Bumi has already shown that he would particularly defend food and chews from other dogs or children, which is why we would rather see him in a quiet household without other dogs and children.
Bumi longs for a new home where he can settle in and blossom again. Regular exercise would help not only his soul, but also his body to stay healthy. Unfortunately, Bumi was diagnosed with hip dysplasia - a deformation of the hip that unfortunately affects many dogs. The deformation of the hip joint cannot be reversed, but with the help of targeted exercise, muscle building and physiotherapy, dogs can be supported so that they can walk pain-free for as long as possible and the problems do not get worse. Since Bumi loves to splash around, especially in warm weather, it would be possible to take him for a swim or two in addition to his walks to give him some exercise.
Both the Kangal crossbreed's love of exercise and the calmness it exudes in many situations make it a very special representative of its breed. With a little sensitivity and dog sense, Bumi is a great companion who is ready to enrich the life of his new family in many ways.
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How she works, however, casts a completely different light on the otherwise delicate giant. Typically Kangal, she always has an eye on everything that is going on outside her enclosure or on the other side of the garden fence. If necessary, uninvited observers are expelled from her area of responsibility by deep barking and a lot of racket. Other dogs also have to listen to what Ada is saying when she is in a rowdy mood. Of course, this is deeply rooted in her genetics - but this should not be an excuse to justify a lack of training.
Ada was able to gain some new experiences with the wide range of activities offered by the Aschaffenburg Dog Center. As part of a small dog driving license, some of the shelter dogs had the chance to take part in various exercises and discover new places under the guidance of the dog trainers. This included encounter training with other four-legged friends, basic obedience exercises or trips to the forest or Aschaffenburg city center.
Ada is also learning to delegate responsibility and is becoming increasingly better at holding back. Over time, she has gotten used to the traffic on the animal shelter grounds and has honed her dachshund look. As a result, she can now beg as well as the little ones and collects a few treats and compliments at the gate. She quickly learned the combination of strangers and tasty bribes - but she still remains a bit reserved at the beginning until she can assess her new two-legged friends.
She doesn't really want to know much about most four-legged friends. Only one or two of her own kind have been able to wrap her around their little finger with their charm - she likes particularly funny, easy-going types and they quickly get through the hard shell to the soft core of this actually funny dog. But even the greatest love has its limits - especially when food comes into play, Ada prefers a special position as an \"only dog\".
Behind her serious facade, Ada hides the bright features of a funny dog. As soon as it is quiet and the Kangal dog can relax, she romps around her enclosure and enjoys the time with a playmate - if there is mutual sympathy - to play and wrestle.
Outside on the leash, Ada needs a caregiver with the necessary leadership qualities so that Ada can hold back and master the walks calmly. Otherwise, she would take on this task on her own paws and thus take on the leadership. Bicycles, passers-by, other dogs - she would bark at everything and also attack people. It should be mentioned here, however, that she only feels obliged to do this if she really has to. If you can give her the necessary security, she will hold back when meeting walkers or other dogs and handle this without any problems.
Ada is a real dream with her caregivers. This imposing, sometimes explosively loud dog can be very quiet, very gentle and very careful here. These are moments that are becoming more and more frequent, because she can let herself go more and more often. Then she doesn't act like the strong one, but is completely herself.
When dealing with dogs, she tends to hold back and prefers to keep her distance, while she looks at the other dogs from a distance. She actively seeks the support of her caregivers. If she recognizes that her four-legged counterpart is well-disposed towards her, she quickly relaxes and enjoys contact with the other four-legged friend.
Ada needs a home where she can settle down in peace and people who will give her the security she needs without letting her take the lead.
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