Tierschutzverein Hundehilfe Hinterland



Tierschutzverein Hundehilfe Hinterland

We are a small, non-profit animal welfare association based in Biedenkopf, which has made it its mission to help animals in need since 2004. Our association works exclusively with suitable, private foster homes. Since we receive no support from the city or the state, we finance our work solely through the placement of our furry friends and a few donations. Our team and all of our colleagues work exclusively on a voluntary basis. Our protégés are mainly dogs. However, our commitment and related activities are by no means limited to these furry friends. We are involved in a wide variety of nature and animal welfare projects locally. Our work is therefore very diverse and does not end at the borders of Europe, because animal welfare knows no borders! In addition to a wide range of regional and national animal welfare work, we have also been supporting a Hungarian animal shelter for many years. http://www.fehervariallatotthon.hu/ We also take in dogs from the Tierhilfe Hoffnung-Hilfe für Tiere in Not e.V. from Smeura (the largest animal shelter in the world) in Romania. https://www.tierhilfe-hoffnung.com/ We also take care of mistreated, abandoned and old animals of all kinds. We do educational work to show people that every animal has a right to live. No one has the right to mistreat and torture an animal. Every living being has a right to respect, to be kept in a species-appropriate manner and to have its habitat preserved. Unfortunately, this is not always a given here in Germany either. Our goal is to sensitize people to the sometimes silent cries for help. Not to close our eyes to the misery that is taking place - sometimes even in our immediate neighborhood.